
Soap Saver Tinted Flat Style – Extra Helpful to Save Soap – 2 Sizes


This Soap Saver tinted flat style is made of durable clear flexible plastic that will hold up in the tub or shower for a long time.  A Soap Saver will definitely make your soap last much longer!

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Soap Saver Tinted Flat Makes Soap Last Longer

This Soap Saver Tinted Flat Style is made of durable clear flexible plastic that will hold up in the tub or shower for years.  We use them for all of our soaps and it truly makes them last longer.  Place your soap on one to help keep it dry.  Click here to learn more about Soap Savers.  Remember – dry soap lasts much longer!

We Offer Two Different Types of Soap Savers

There are basically two different styles of soap savers, the molded style which is shown here and the woven or mesh style bag which we also have.  The bag style is a woven type of mesh with a hanger, the molded style is what you see here.  The bag style has a hanger loop that hangs in the shower or tub when finished.

Bag Style Soap Saver – Hang em Anywhere

The bag style soap saver allows you to place the soap inside the bag and use it right in the bag and hang it up when finished.  The soap then dries until it is used again which lengthens the life of your soap considerably.  To see the Soap Saver  Woven Bag simply click here.  To see the Mesh Bag simply click here.

Injection Molded Soap Savers – Put Them Anywhere

The injection molded Soap Saver Tinted Flat style is easy to place anywhere in the bathroom or kitchen.  They are perfect to place in a shower recess area or on the bathroom counter.  We have them in the bathrooms in both places and also in the kitchen counter area.

Both styles allow the soap to dry out, thus the soap will last much longer.  They are very easy to clean & maintain and more importantly – they really do work well!

Attractive Grey Color Under Normal Light

As you can see in the pictures the light used to take our photos brings out a  bluish tint in the Soap Saver Tinted Flat.  We also have these soap savers in clear.  They show the same bluish tint in photo light.

In normal lighting these Soap Savers Tinted Flat Style have a bluish tint in Photo Light; It is actually a Dark Grey Color.

Durable & Long Lasting

The Soap Savers Tinted Flat are made of a durable plastic that lasts for years.  We have been using them with our soaps for many years and they are still like they were when they were new.  If they need cleaning all you need to do is soak them in water for a few hours and rinse them off.  They will be just like new!

Remember what we said above – dry soap lasts much longer.  It really makes a difference!


Large (Full Size Bars), Small (Half Bars)


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